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Text2Cypher Llama Agents

A collection of LlamaIndex Workflows-powered agents that convert natural language to Cypher queries designed to retrieve information from a Neo4j database to answer the question.

Naive text2cypher flow

The naive text2cypher architecture is a streamlined approach to converting natural language questions into Cypher queries for Neo4j graph databases. It operates through a three-stage workflow: first, it generates a Cypher query from the input question using few- shot learning with similar examples stored in a vector database. The system then executes the generated Cypher query against the graph database. Finally, it processes the database results through a language model to generate a natural language response that directly answers the original question. This architecture maintains a simple yet effective pipeline, leveraging vector similarity search for example fewshot retrieval and LLM for both Cypher query generation and response formatting.

Naive text2cypher with retry flow

This enhanced version of text2cypher with retry builds upon the original architecture by adding a self-correction mechanism. When a generated Cypher query fails to execute, instead of failing outright, the system attempts to fix the query by feeding the error information back to the language model in the CorrectCypherEventstep. This makes the system more resilient and capable of handling initial mistakes, similar to how a human might revise their approach after receiving error feedback.

The ExecuteCypherEvent function first attempts to run the query, and if successful, passes the results forward for summarization. However, if something goes wrong, it doesn’t give up immediately — instead, it checks if it has any retry attempts left and, if so, sends the query back for correction along with information about what went wrong. This creates a more forgiving system that can learn from its mistakes, much like how we might revise our approach after receiving feedback.

Naive text2cypher with retry and evaluation flow

Building on the naive text2cypher with retry flow, this enhanced version adds an evaluation phase that checks if the query results are sufficient to answer the user's question. If the results are deemed inadequate, the system sends the query back for correction with information on how to improve it. If the results are acceptable, the flow proceeds to the final summarization step. This extra layer of validation further bolsters the resilience of the pipeline, ensuring that the user ultimately receives the most accurate and complete answer possible.

The function evaluate_check is a simple check that determines whether the query results adequately address the user's question. If the evaluation indicates the results are insufficient and there are retry attempts remaining, it returns a CorrectCypherEventso the query can be refined. Otherwise, it proceeds with a SummarizeEvent,indicating that the results are suitable for final summarization.

Iterative planner flow

The iterative planner flow introduces a more sophisticated approach by implementing an iterative planning system. Instead of directly generating a Cypher query, it first creates a plan of sub-queries, validates each query before execution, and includes an information checking mechanism that can modify the plan if the initial results are insufficient. The system can make up to three iterations of information gathering, each time refining its approach based on previous results. This creates a more thorough and accurate question-answering system that can handle complex queries by breaking them down into manageable steps and validating the information at each stage.